We are dedicated to safeguarding and protecting the privacy and safety of our customers. Your security online is extremely important to us. Please read our privacy policy to let you know how we process data to provide you with better service.

We will collect data about you.

It\’s important to understand what data we gather. You will find your email address, as well as other information such as name, address company name cities and codes, postcode, and telephone number. We collect information using a number of different methods. Cookies are the first method used to gather, consolidate, and store data that is not personally identifiable. Personal identifiable information refers to any specific data about you. For instance, it could be your credit card number or bank account number. This information is specific to you.

The use of information can be for many reasons

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Registration and ordering:

When you register, you\’ll be asked for your name as well as contact information that includes phone numbers, addresses (shipping and billing) and email addresses as well as credit card information. If you are required to provide your country of residence We will abide by all applicable laws. These types information are collected so that we can manage your account and complete your purchase. These data can be used for internal marketing, or to inform clients about their purchase or on your website. If we encounter problems during the course of your order or purchase, we may make use of the information we\’ve gathered to get in touch with you.

Email Addresses

Subscribe to our newsletter to get the most competitive prices. We will email your information when you participate in any contest.

3. Privacy Protection

We do not sell or trade your personal information. We use the latest encryption technology. All employees must sign confidentiality agreements that prevent them from revealing any information to anyone else.